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Why a Personal
Published: 06/19/2024
I built a personal web page to post content about my projects that
can't be in a resume because it becomes easily bloated. CVs and resumes are
meant to be for an introduction of yourself no longer than two pages,
something meant to be read in less than 5 minutes.
TutorĂas Willy
Educational platform for advanced students to offer their
services in their free time as tutors to other students who need it, and
to have a remuneration for it.
- Math & physics tutor for high school and university students.
- Decision making in contacting the appropriate tutors for the subjects
needed by the students.
- Website development and content administrator.
- Visual design of advertising.
- Tutoring over 175 hours in face-to-face and virtual mode during
2019 in calculus, linear algebra, physics courses.
- Tutoring over 128 hours in virtual mode in general physics and pre-
calculus courses for students with learning challenges because of
the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Omega Clustering
Offering IT services for small business and personal use, in the realm of Internet of Things, smart process automation
and digital commerce.
- Test cloud services for business and personal use.
- Network topology design and configuration.
- Storage and backups configuration.
- Services maintenance and support.
- Server clustering using Proxmox VE and high ability server configuration.
- Dedicated Network Attached Storage (NAS) deployment for personal
and costumer use.
- Drive cloning from old hard-disk drives (HHD) to solid-state drives (SSD) for improving computer performance